A huge congrats to all of our students in Concert and Symphonic Band for a successful UIL season!
At UIL, there are six judges, three who listen to our stage performance and three who listen to our sightreading performance. Each judge gives a 1-5 rating, with 1 being the highest rating possible. If a band receives the average score of 1 on both their stage and sightreading performances, they are awarded a "Sweepstakes" trophy.
The Concert Band received a 1 ("Superior" rating) from all six judges. The Symphonic Band also received a 1 ("Superior" rating) from all six judges. This is the highest score that a band can receive at UIL. We are so proud of all of our band students for their hard work this semester and for performing at an exceptionally high level for our state evaluation.
Reedy High School Band Information
Hello Future Reedy Band Parents,
Welcome to the Reedy High School Band Program. We are so excited to have you all join us. The band at Reedy is a family, and we are so glad that you are going to be a part of it. Below is a plea for you to consider joining our board. If that's too much for you, we'd love your help in a myriad of ways. In the fall, join the Pit Crew, help with meal handouts, chaperone, help with uniforms, the list goes on and on. However, seriously consider joining our board. The reasons are listed below. WE NEED YOU! Please look over the description of roles on the Reedy Band Board and seriously consider signing up to take a role. We would love to have your help. The Band Board is really fun. It is a joy to get to know other parents, work with them, and be the first to be in "the know" as to what is going on in band.
Please complete the Google Form at this link https://forms.gle/dAzovF1V7Gw1L6fk6 to show interest in a particular position.
We can't wait to get to know you!
Thanks, Amy McPeek, Mandy Graham, Sue Brogen
RHS Band Booster Club Nomination Committee for 2023-2024 year
Summer Band Camps
We strongly encourage your student to attend a band camp this summer! It is a great opportunity for your student to improve on their instrument and make new friends. There are many options in the DFW metroplex and around the state. CLICK HERE to view a list of band camps available for summer 2023.
Upcoming events
Monday April 3 (4-5:30pm) - Jazz Band clinic with Mr. Marshall
Thursday April 13 (3:45-5:30pm) - Fundraiser Reward Party
Saturday April 29 - Wylie East Jazz Festival
Monday May 8 - Spring Band Concert
Tuesday May 9 - School-Owned Instrument Return
Wednesday May 10 - Studio Movie Grill Social Event
Conflict with an event? Email Mrs. Black at blackmj@friscoisd.org