UIL Sectionals
Sectionals for students in Concert and Symphonic Band begin next week. These are required, graded rehearsals.
CLICK HERE to view the sectional schedule.
FISD Solo Contest
All students in Concert and Symphonic Band are required to perform in the Frisco ISD Solo Contest on Saturday February 4th. Thank you for marking this date on your calendars!
This is a Frisco ISD event, so there is a fee associated with the contest. Please pay the $10 entry fee on Online School Fees by Friday January 20th. This is a firm deadline that is set by Frisco ISD and late payment will not be accepted. It is listed in Online School Fees as District Fine Arts 2022-2023 MS Band Solo Event -2/4/23.
Instrument Petting Zoo
On Saturday January 21st, the Pearson Band and Orchestra programs will host our annual Instrument Petting Zoo for rising 6th graders. If you know any 5th graders (or parents of 5th graders), please encourage them to attend the event so they can try instruments and see what the music programs at Pearson have to offer! This is one of our most important events of our year, so the more kids we can have attend, the better!
Current Pearson Band students will have an opportunity to sign up to help the band directors run the event. We will also need parent assistance - please be on the lookout at the beginning of next week for an email detailing how you can help.
High School Band Information
Parents of 8th grade students - our hope is that your student chooses to be part of the Reedy or Frisco High School Band! The high school bands are fantastic organizations where your kid can be surrounded by like-minded high-achieving students, where they can make great friends, and where they have the opportunity for leadership!
We know that our Pearson Band students are involved in many different activities. They can continue to do those activities in addition to band in high school. Any activity can be combined with band! Below are some examples of 4-Year Plans that show how band can be scheduled with advanced academics, athletics, and other classes. The below plans specify Frisco High School, but will apply to any Frisco ISD high school.
Please let Mrs. Black and Mr. Jenson know if you have questions about high school band. We both believe that band is one of the best things your student can be a part of in high school and hope they choose to continue.
Upcoming events
Friday January 13 - Main Event Band Party
Tuesday January 17 - All Region Jazz Band Auditions
Saturday January 21 - All Region Jazz Band Clinic and Concert
Saturday January 21 - Instrument Petting Zoo
Saturday February 4 - Frisco ISD Solo Contest (required)
Tuesday February 7 - Side by Side clinic with the Reedy Band (required)
Wednesday February 8-Saturday February 11 - Mrs. Black and Mr. Jenson attending the annual Texas Music Educators Conference
Wednesday February 15 - Band Spirit Night fundraiser at Chick-fil-a
Friday March 3 - Percussion Concert dress Rehearsal (required for percussion students)
Saturday March 4 - Percussion Concert (required for percussion students)
Thursday March 9 - Pre-UIL Concert (required)
Conflict with an event? Email Mrs. Black at blackmj@friscoisd.org