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Concert and Symphonic Band - December 15, 2023

Upcoming events

December 21 - Payment deadline for the FISD Solo Contest. This is a FIRM deadline.

December 18 - Symphonic Band Holiday Tour Day 2

December 20 - 21 - Mrs. Black and Mr. Jenson at Midwest Music Clinic in Chicago to support the Reedy Percussion Ensemble!

December 22-January 8 - Winter Break!!

January 8 - Deadline to purchase tickets for Main Event.

January 12 - Main Event Social Event

February 3 - Frisco ISD Solo Contest (required)


Symphonic Band Holiday Tour

OnMonday December 18th, students in the Symphonic Band will be performing at Hosp for our annual Holiday Tour.

Schedule: Monday December 18 - HOSP Elementary 12:11pm - Band, choir, and orchestra students eat B lunch in their respective rooms before departing 2:17pm - Arrive at Pearson. Go to 7th period.

Students will be responsible for all work missed while we are off campus.


FISD Solo Contest

All students in Concert and Symphonic Band are required to perform in the Frisco ISD Solo Contest on Saturday February 3rd. Thank you for marking this date on your calendars!

This is a Frisco ISD event, so there is a fee associated with the contest. Please pay the $9 entry fee on Online School Fees by Thursday December 21st. This is a firm deadline that is set by Frisco ISD and late payment will not be accepted. It is listed in Online School Fees as District Fine Arts 2023-2024 MS Band Solo Event - 2/3/24.


Main Event Social Event

On Friday, January 12th, the Pearson Band will have its annual Main Event Social at Main Event Frisco. This optional event will be from 4:30-7:30 PM.

Tickets to the Main Event Social will be $27 and will include a $10 game card, pizza, a drink, and unlimited access to bowling, laser tag, gravity ropes, billiards, shuffleboard, and mini-golf. Transportation will not be provided, so students will need to be dropped off at 4:30 and will need to be picked up by 7:30. Please see the attached guidelines list for more information.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on the Cheddar Up Online Store. Refunds will not be available for absent students, but they may use the purchased game card at any other point in time. This offer is for Pearson Band members only. Tickets must be purchased by Monday, January 8th at 11:59 PM.

Per Main Event policies, we will need several parent chaperones for this event. If you are available and willing to chaperone, please sign-up at this link. We currently have spots for 6 chaperones, but more might be needed later depending on how many students go on the trip.

We are so excited to have this fun event with our band family!


Amazon Wish List

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