Wow! What a great start to the year with a fun band camp and an exciting Build the Beat! I had a blast seeing all of the students again and I am so proud of all of them for their performance. I have received so many compliments on how the band sounded from teachers and other parents, and all I can say is that we are lucky to have amazing kids in the Pearson Band! I can't wait to see where this year takes us!
-Mr. Jenson
Upcoming events
Click here to view the Pearson Band Calendar. Many band events for the 2024-2025 school year have been added to the calendar.
August 12 - Concert and Symphonic Band Performing on the 1st Day of School (info below)
August 19 - Band Parent Meeting (required)
Supplies for Concert and Symphonic Band Students
Click on the following link for Symphonic and Concert Band class materials for next school year: All supplies can be ordered online through Brook Mays, Music & Arts, at any local music store, or even Amazon. The deadline to have all supplies in class is Wednesday, August 14th. Students will need to have their “Concert Black” uniform for our Winter Concert on December 12th.
Help the Band Directors!
As we finish getting ready for the new school year, the band directors could use some student help on Thursday, August 8th from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. We need to get the band hall set up for classes, lockers re-assigned, and new band binders built. If you can/want to help, please sign up by clicking HERE. Mr. Jenson will provide drinks and cookies for anybody who volunteers!
1st Day of School Performance
Following the success and fun of last year, the Pearson Band will again be performing on the first day of school! We are very excited that the admin has given us such a fun performance opportunity to welcome students on the first day of school.
Monday, August 12th
7:30am - Students arrive at the band hall. Assemble instruments and get set up.
7:45am - Begin performing on the south side of the school.
8:15am - End of performance. Pack up and go to 1st Period.
The staff will know that band students are performing. They will NOT be counted tardy if they are not in 1st Period at 8:25am.
We are not wearing a specific uniform - students may wear whatever they were planning on wearing for the 1st day of school.
Students in football will be excused from this performance.
Any Concert or Symphonic Band student who did not attend summer band can participate in this performance.
Band Parent Meeting
Monday August 19th is our Annual Band Parent Meeting. All Band parents should plan on being in attendance as we will go over important information that you need to know for the school year.
We are once again going to have our amazing Pearson Band Students perform at the meeting!
The schedule for the evening is as follows:
Monday August 19, 2023 - Pearson Middle School
Who: Required for Symphonic Band. Optional for Concert Band
Bring: Instrument (and all the supplies needed to play it) and band binder
Wear: 2023-2024 Band Tshirt
5:15pm Arrive at Pearson Middle School. Band Students go to the band hall to assemble instruments and warm up. Parents can sit in the cafeteria while they wait for the meeting to start
5:45pm Students begin performing in the cafeteria.
6:00pm Band parent meeting begins. All band parents should plan on being in attendance.
7:00pm Approximate ending time for the band parent meeting.
If your student has a prior conflict and is unable to attend the performance, we will be understanding - please send me communication so we can plan for their absence. This performance event is required for students in Symphonic Band and optional for students in Concert Band.