Upcoming events
Wednesday May 17 - Deadline to purchase Hawaiian Waters Tickets - info below
Thursday May 18 - No Instruments in class
Friday May 19 - No Instruments in class
Friday May 19 - End of the Year Band Party at Hawaiian Waters (formerly Hawaiian Falls) - info below
July 31 and August 3 - 5 - Pearson Band Camp and Build the Beat Pep Rally Performance (required for student in the 2023-2024 Pearson Band) - info below
Conflict with an event? Email Mrs. Black at blackmj@friscoisd.org
Pearson Band Parent Association (PBPA) Board Positions for 2023-2024 School Year
We need you to serve as a member of the PBPA Board! The PBPA, or Band Boosters, play a vital role in helping the Pearson Band program run. Because of their support, we are able to participate in events and competitions, bring in clinicians to work with students, and hold social events. The PBPA has the Secretary position open for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested in serving in this role, please click on the following link:
We will send an email at the beginning of next week for you to vote on officers.
Instruments for Summer Use
School-owned instruments (Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Bari Saxophone, French Horn, Euphonium, and Tuba:
Students who play school-owned instruments brought home a copy of the following form to be signed and turned in: FISD Instrument Usage Agreement.
We will begin checking out instruments for summer use on Monday May 15th. We cannot check out an instrument without the signed usage form. There is also the possibility that we do not have enough instruments due to them being repaired and/or cleaned at the repair shop. Priority will be given to those taking summer lessons and/or attending a summer band camp. If we are not able to issue your student an instrument next week, we will send instructions on how to pick it up from the repair shop.
All other instruments (Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion (practice marimba))
If continuing with band next year, these instruments should be kept over the summer for home practice and summer lessons.
If not continuing with band next year, instruments can be returned to the music store you are renting from beginning on Thursday May 18th.
We will continue to play in class through Wednesday May 17th. Students should not bring instruments to school on Thursday May 18th and Friday May 19th.
Please contact the band directors if you have any questions.
End of the Year Band Party at Hawaiian Falls
Come join us for a fun time at Hawaiian Falls on the last day of school! We have rented out the ENTIRE PARK JUST FOR THE BAND!!! This is a great way to start your summer!
When: Friday, May 19 from 5-7PM
Who: Pioneer, Pearson, and Reedy Bands
Where: Hawaiian Falls in The Colony
Purchase Ticket HERE (deadline to purchase ticket: Wednesday, May 17)
Who can go? ANYONE who is in band!!!
Can I bring a friend who isn't in band? Not on May 19, BUT you can purchase extra tickets from this LINK at the DISCOUNTED price for your friends and use anytime in the summer!
What if I can't go on May 19? That's okay! Purchase your DISCOUNTED ticket and your ticket is good any time in Summer 2023
Can I bring money for food? Yes! Concessions will be open.
Can I bring a cooler with food/drinks? Yes! However, no brand name - like McDonalds, CFA, etc.
Pearson Middle School Band Summer Camp / Build the Beat
The Pearson Symphonic and Concert Bands will perform at the Build the Beat community Pep Rally on Saturday, August 5th. Athletics students will be able to participate in both athletics and band events for the day. To prepare for the event, we will have a summer band camp to help us learn the new music that we will be playing. Our camp will be held on Monday July 31, Thursday August 3, Friday August 4, and Saturday August 5.
The Schedule is as follows:
Monday July 31: Section Rehearsals
10:00-noon: Flutes, Oboes, Trumpets, French Horns, Percussion*
12:30-2:30pm: Clarinets, Bass Clarinets, Alto/Tenor/Bari Saxophones, Bassoons, Trombones, Euphoniums, Tubas, Percussion*
(*Percussion students should bring a lunch to eat in the band hall from noon-12:30pm.)
Thursday, August 3:
4:00-6:00pm: Full Band Rehearsal (all instruments)
Friday, August 4:
4:00-6:00pm: Full Band Rehearsal (all instruments)
6:30-8:30pm: Social Event TBD
Saturday, August 5:
Time TBD (last year was 11:00am-1:00pm): Build the Beat Pep Rally in the Pearson MS Gym. Students will wear their 2022-2023 Pearson Band Shirt.
Due to the importance of the preparation for Build the Beat and the 2023-2024 school year, all rehearsals and performances are required for all Pearson Band members. We understand that some families may still be out of town or on vacation during this time. If your family will be out of town, please communicate that with your band director ASAP.
We are looking forward to both our summer band camp and the Build the Beat Pep Rally! It will be a lot of fun to see everyone again and make music together.
Summer Band Camps
We strongly encourage your student to attend a band camp this summer! It is a great opportunity for your student to improve on their instrument and make new friends. There are many options in the DFW metroplex and around the state. CLICK HERE to view a list of band camps available for summer 2023.