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Beginning Band - January 27, 2023

Chick-fil-a Spirit Night

Mark your calendars! We were able to schedule a bonus Spirit Night Fundraiser on Monday January 30th at the Chick-fil-a on Stonebrook and 423. Visit from 6:00am-7:30pm and mention that you are with the Pearson Band for us to receive a portion of the proceeds.

These Spirit Night Fundraisers are an easy way for the Pearson Band Parent Association (also known as the booster club) to earn money for activities and events.

Please plan on eating at Chick-fil-a on January 30th to support the Pearson Band!!


Required (Graded) Beginning Band Events for the Pearson Beginning Band

Click on the PDF below to view the required Beginning Band events for 2022-2023. (Note, this list does not include optional social events that will occur throughout the year.)


Upcoming events

Monday January 30 - Band Spirit Night fundraiser at Chick-fil-a

Wednesday February 8-Saturday February 11 - Mrs. Black and Mr. Jenson attending the annual Texas Music Educators Conference

Wednesday February 15 - Band Spirit Night fundraiser at Chick-fil-a

Friday March 3 - Percussion Concert dress Rehearsal (required for percussion students)

Saturday March 4 - Percussion Concert (required for percussion students)

Conflict with an event? Email Mrs. Black at


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