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Beginning Band - February 24, 2023

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Spring Fundraiser

On Monday February 27th, the Pearson Band is kicking off our spring fundraiser! We are working with GroupFund, which organizes text-based pledge fundraisers. Today, students are coming home with the document below. Over the weekend, please fill out the form with quality names and phone numbers (family, friends, co-workers, church members, bosses, corporate sponsors, etc).

We are raising funds for spring semester events (Wylie East Jazz Band Festival, Mark of Excellence and Citation of Excellence Awards) and to set us up for success in the Fall 2023 semester.


Percussion Concert

The REEDY Percussion Ensemble Cluster Concert is on Saturday March 4th, at 3pm at REEDY HS.

Every eligible (passing all your classes) percussionists from Reedy, Pearson, and Pioneer Heritage are participating, and are required to attend.

The dress for the concert is ALL BLACK, which means ALL BLACK, no other colors anywhere. Black dress pants, black dress shirt, black belt, black dress shoes, black socks. ALL BLACK!

The dress rehearsal will be held Friday, March 3rd at 5:00pm at Reedy High School. We will be finished between 8:00 – 8:30pm that evening.

It is an actual dress rehearsal, so please be dressed in all BLACK, be ready (sticks, mallets, music), and most importantly please BE ON TIME!!! (better yet, be early!)

Arrival time of your child on the day of the clinic/concert. (March 4th). We would like for all participating students to be at Reedy HS no later than 11:45pm on Saturday the 4th. The Clinic will start at 12:00pm. This will help the directors to facilitate getting every student in the right place.

The doors will open for the concert at 2:45 pm for the general audience.

Both dates have been on ALL 3 Band Calendars since before the school year started! (Reedy, Pioneer Heritage and Pearson)


Friday March 3rd (5:00pm-8:30pm)

Saturday March 4th (3pm, arrive at 11:45pm)

There is a sign up genius if you would like to volunteer to help this AMAZING Concert.

Please contact Jennifer Belden with any questions. She is the HEAD Percussion Mom (Really the boss!) her email is

We are very excited for you to see what your students how hard they have been working. They are excited and would like a large crowd. Especially now since they are upfront, and not in the back!

There is an admission charge, since we use this a Cluster wide fundraiser for Percussion ONLY!. $10 at the door.

If you have any questions please email Mr. Baldwin ( ASAP


Candy Donations Needed

Our basket of candy is getting very low! If you are at the store and would like to purchase a bag of candy to donate to the band, we would greatly appreciate it. Please, no candy with nuts! Thank you!!


Required (Graded) Beginning Band Events for the Pearson Beginning Band

Click on the PDF below to view the required Beginning Band events for 2022-2023. (Note, this list does not include optional social events that will occur throughout the year.)


Summer Band Camps

We strongly encourage your student to attend a band camp this summer! It is a great opportunity for your student to improve on their instrument and make new friends. There are many options in the DFW metroplex and around the state. CLICK HERE to view a list of band camps available for summer 2023.


Upcoming events

February 27-March 10 - Pearson Band Spring Fundraiser (more info coming soon!)

Friday March 3 - Percussion Concert dress Rehearsal (required for percussion students)

Saturday March 4 - Percussion Concert (required for percussion students)

Tuesday March 21 - Band Spirit Night fundraiser at Chick-fil-a

Conflict with an event? Email Mrs. Black at


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